SciPy 2024#

Welcome to the Xarray SciPy 2024 Tutorial!#

Xarray: Friendly, Interactive, and Scalable Scientific Data Analysis

July 8, 13:30–17:30 (US/Pacific), Room 317

This 4-hour workshop will explore content from the Xarray tutorial, which contains a comprehensive collection of hands-on tutorial Jupyter Notebooks. We will review a curated set of examples that will prepare you for increasingly complex real-world data analysis tasks!

Learning Goals

  • Orient yourself to Xarray resources to continue on your Xarray journey!

  • Effectively use Xarray’s multidimensional indexing and computational patterns

  • Understand how Xarray can wrap other array types in the scientific Python ecosystem

  • Learn how to leverage Xarray’s powerful backend and extension capabilities to customize workflows and open a variety of scientific datasets


*Times in US/Pacific Timezone (Tacoma, WA)

Use the links to navigate to the right notebooks.



Notebook Links

Introduction and Setup

1:30 (10 min)

Xarray Data Model, Backends, Extensions

1:40 (40 min)

Quick Introduction to Indexing
Boolean Indexing & Masking

10 minute Break

Computational Patterns

2:30 (50 min)

Advanced Indexing
Computation Patterns

10 minute Break

Wrapping other arrays

3:30 (50 min)

The Xarray Ecosystem

10 minute Break

Synthesis, Explore your data!

4:30 (50 min)

Data Tidying

End 5:30

Tutorial Setup#

We recommend using a preconfigured GitHub Codespace for this tutorial. This section describes how to access and manage a GitHub Codespace.


If you prefer to work on your own computer, refer to instructions in the Getting Started Section

This tutorial is available to run within Github Codespaces - “a development environment that’s hosted in the cloud” - with the conda environment specification in the conda-lock.yml file.

Open in GitHub Codespaces

☝️ Click the button above to go to options window to launch a Github Codespace.

GitHub currently gives every user 120 vCPU-hours per month for free, beyond that you must pay. So be sure to explicitly stop your Codespace when you are done by going to this page (codespaces).

Once your Codespace is launched, the following happens:

  • Visual Studio Code Interface will open up within your browser.

  • A built in terminal will open and it will execute jupyter lab automatically.

  • Once you see a url to click within the terminal, simply cmd + click the given url.

  • This will open up another tab in your browser, leading to a Jupyter Lab Interface.

Thanks for attending!#

Please continue to explore the subfolders in the JupyterLab File Browser for additional tutorial notebooks to run, or read the rendered notebooks at

SciPy 2024 Organized by:#

  • Scott Henderson (Univ. Washington)

  • Jessica Scheick (Univ. New Hampshire)

  • Negin Sobhani (National Center for Atmospheric Research)

  • Tom Nicholas [C]worthy

  • Max Jones (CarbonPlan)

  • Wietze Suijker (Space Intelligence)